Page 2 - CBFA Nicosia Seminars 2020
P. 2

The Cyprus Breastfeeding Association “Gift for Life” was founded in in in 2009 by paediatricians parents and and supporters of of breastfeeding and and as as as an an an evolution of of the “Nicosia Breastfeeding Support Group” Its aim is to to to promote breastfeeding to to to parents and to to to support them after their baby is born The Association organises monthly meetings to inform expectant and new parents about breastfeeding It provides a a a a a a a support network to to enable them to to offer their children the the the “Gift for Life” breastfeeding The Association also maintains a a a a a a a a a free helpline to to support mothers who are breastfeeding or or wish to to breastfeed breastfeed The Cyprus Breastfeeding Association “Gift for Life” envisions the the return of breastfeeding as as as the the most natural way to feed feed all babies exclusively for for 6 months and for for at at least 2 years with supplementary foods In the the long term the the aim is is to see a a a a a a a cultural change in in breastfeeding issues 

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